Hello Danny thanks for this doing this
interview. So you joined Festering Saliva in 2009 how did you join
the band?
Danny: I joined the band in 2009 and I didn`t planned to join a Deathmetalband at that time. When I
firrst heard them I really thought: „What the hell is this ???? I guess I´m the wrong guy for
that band“ Finally I was wrong and became the main songwriter in the band and thinkaboout this: I am the only one who`s not listening to Deathmetal at all !!!! Very funny, but it
works fine somehow :-)
Where you in any other bands before
Festering Saliva?
Danny: I played on the first two HAGGARD records („and thou shalt trust the seer“ and „awaking
the centuries“), did a record with TARAXACUM (Edguy-Side projekt) and finally I ended
up as a Session guitarplayer for the big German FolkRockBand SCHANDMAUL. I did a lot
of Tours as Guitartech for many Bands like Blind Guardian or Helloween and came finally
back to become a musician again :-)
What is your Favorite Festering Saliva song to play live?
Danny: Hm, good question …. it`s ZEROLINE and A PHONIC FACIAL for all of us :-) Phonic is
a really bad ass song where everybody in the venue moves his ass !!! No shit : People reallystarted dancing while we played it !!!! That really shows that it doesn`t matter which kind of
music you play: It just needs to kick ass and A phonic facial definitely does !!!!!
How was the recording of this new
album “Zeroline” and do you have a favorite song from the album?
The album was released on Oct 19 where can we get the new album?
Danny: We all agreed to record an album which shouldn`t be tooo perfect at all and which shouldn`t
be edited much – even if there will be mistakes on it. I mean it`s an underground album
without a record company support and so it should sound like it !!!! It was the first time,
that we all entered the studio together and you could feel - during the first days - how
insecure we were behaving to each other. It happend very quick – and we are goddamn
proud of that - to find a very cool way working together during the recordings. MÄÄX did
a great job recording and mixing that thing. Any favourite songs on the album : All of
èm :-))))
What bands influence you the most?
to release your aggressions and inner hate. That`s what happend during the sonwriting
process for Zeroline and I guess you can hear that very good on „3minutes“ :-)
Will Festering Saliva ever tour North
or South America?
Danny: We would love to Tour there esp Southamerica, but we need to find a Label and then a
promoter who wants us there and pays the flights . If someone wants to book us: Make sure
we get a clean shower, a bed, food,a stage and pay our travelcosts – that`s all you need :-)
We`re a LIVEBAND and we deliver what you order: A brutal live acting show where the
artist moves `till he`s out of breath and give people a moshing and headbanging Metal
show for their money !!!!! I hate bands that play a gig without any move on stage :
HELLO !!!! People payed money for you to play here – so move your fucking asses and
bang your goddamn heads !!!!!
The Internet is in a way a double edge
sword to metal you can get your music to more people yet it’s
killing the scene what’s your opinion?
Danny: I don`t think so !!!! Different internetplattforms allow small bands to spread their
music worldwide, get gigs worldwide and show people that they exist. Even if it`s a lot
of work to bring your band up step by step, it`s worth to do it. I spend more than 6 hours
a day on my Laptop, to work on new contacts, gigs, reviews etc. and even it it all runs
slow: It´s worth to do it !!!! I can see now how my internetklicks rise, people ask me for
interviews, promotion companies give me offers , I get tour offers etc. and that`s all
because I do something for it !!!! I hope to find a Label that signs us and send us on the
road, but if not: I can do the promotion, the online mp3 sales completely myself !!!! Just
need to find a booking agency. O.K. I need to get some money from the banking store,
but it`s not more than you need to buy a new car !!!
Where’s your favorite place to tour
and where’s a place you would like to play at?
Danny:I do not have any favourite places to go on Tour – I tour everywhere !!! Maybe Indonesia is
a favourite for the band because we have a lot of fans there and I always get mails from
there !!! It would be cool to be there once for a gig and give them something back and I
definiteley have to go to Japan for a gig, because I made a promise to my friend AO
(creative man Tourmanager): „Whenever I´ll be back, then with my own band“ - I am used
to keep my promises !!!!
Ok do you have any last words for the fans?
Danny:Kick concert agencys and promoters asses to bring us in your town !!!! You`ll get a headbanging,
moshing, moving or to say it simple - goddamn real METAL Show how it should be: RIGHT IN