Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Thrill Warriors interview

Thrill Warriors is a Heavy Metal band from Sweden. They put out some awesome Heavy Metal!! Here's an interview I got with their drummer Luvan Loud!

Thanks Luvan for doing this interview. Can you give us some history on how the Thrill Warriors formed?

Sure, Thrill Warriors was formed back in the spring of 2007. Mini (Moa, previous bass player) and I had been in a band together before this and early 2007 we started talking about forming a new one. Fight and Jail joined during the spring and when Sigge Strong joined on vocals later that year the first line-up was formed. Since then we've gone through a few line-up changes.
Linda has been with us on bass now for 3 years and Katrina Kaos and Maximus (stand-in guitar for Fight) joined us when we left Växjö for Gothenburg earlier this year.

2. When I listen to the Thrill Warriors it definitely sounds like a Hard Rock/Traditional Metal but I hear some Rock N’ Roll influence would you agree?

Yeah, some of our old songs are very rock n roll for sure and we do love bands like the Hellacopters, Gluecifer and Nashville Pussy, but lately we've strayed from that. With different line-ups comes different influences and this is by far the heaviest line-up of Thrill Warriors the world has seen.

3. How’s has been the recording for the new demo?

The recording of it went just fine. Well, except for when we got interrupted by flooding... Sweden can be very rainy. What's been taking time is the mixing process but we hope to be finished with that soon. One song at least is finished and will be revealed to the public quite soon in fact.

4. Where you in any other bands before the Thrill Warriors?

I sang in a few bands before Thrill Warriors but only played drums in one; a really, really bad punk band, haha, but we sure had fun! Rehearsal was more laughing than actually playing anything.

5. Why do you think some people underestimate all girl Heavy Metal bands?

I think those would be the same people who underestimate women in general. I find it absolutely pointless focusing on gender when it comes to music. Nobody ever calls Judas Priest a "boy band".
Heavy Metal and Hard rock is a lot about sex, sure, but you don't play it with your sex. We're not a "girl band", we're a heavy metal band.
6. Can we expect a full length within a few years?

Definitely! Up until quite recently we haven't felt ready for a full length but we're talking about it. It's mostly a money issue right now.

7. Last question. Why do mustaches infatuate the Thrill Warriors?

The grass is always greener on the other side... We can't grow 'em but we wish we could because well, a good mustache is badass!

Thank you very much for doing this interview. Any Last words for the fans??

Stay heavy
Stay proud
Ever faithful
Ever Loud

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