Saturday, April 14, 2012

Deathhammer interview

Deathhammer is a Thrash Metal band from Norway. They play really raw thrash I first discovered them by looking for Norwegian Thrash bands and I first heard this song ( Toxic radiation. I really like this band support the underground and buy their records.

Also this interview is with either Sadomancer or Salsten I don't kow they didn't say who it was.

1. How was the recording process for "Onward To The Pits"?

Dh:  One year of chaotic and unprofessional recordings but we reached our goal in the end.

2. Your logo was on the Darkthrone album F.O.A.D do you think that because of that you now have a bigger fanbase?

Dh: No, because posers who checked us out and liked us "only because we was on a darkthrone cover" isnt people who can listen to us in the long run. Thats whats great with violent music. Can`t recall many wimps pretending they like Vomitor for instance. You simply have to be a maniac. Also I think those with an interest in ancient evil metal have checked us out by now and we dont need a bunch of wannabe-fans anyway.

3.  Your lyrics deal with satan,death ect. Did you make a conscientious decision to do that or did it just turn out like that?

Dh: Nothing is very conscientious, we just write what comes out of us in a possessed moment and what fits the mood of the songs.

4. .Also what's your opinon on vinyl compared to cd's?

Dh: Vinyl are the superior format because it have the best sound. Cds can be practical too but I`m glad to see it dying in favour of Vinyl.

5. Do you think in the future you will ever tour North and South America?

Dh: Don`t think so because Salsten have had some trouble with the law but playing in Europe rules anyway.

Thanks for the interview i'm going to try to get my hands on Phantom knights, keep making evil metal!!

Here's a song from there split with Körgull the Exterminator

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