Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Kommandant (Jim Bresnahan) interview

1. How did you guys get the idea to be in gas masks on stage and stuff?
JB: At first,our intention was only to shoot some photos wearing them.The idea to wear them as stagewear came much later,mostly due to people inquiring about us doing so.
We decided the give it a try,and never looked back.To us,the gasmask represents more the removal of ones humanity than any sort of military statement.

2. I think that you guys are creating a more orginal sound compared to our European counterparts what do you think?
JB: I believe the stage presence in conjunction with our music is the more original element here.Neither one has the power on its own.I think this result is achieved mostly due to
the fact that we develop the imagery and stage show in tandem with the creation of the music,not as an afterthought when the album is finished.

3. Do you feel the whole satanic images of the bands from the 80's and 90's has lost it's edge and it's extreme look?
JB: Yes.I think that most people realize this but few will admit to this.I believe a handful of current bands are still very capable of working within this framework,but not very many.Satanisim does not interest me personally,but I can appreciate a good artist who just happens to be satanic.

4. In the future do you think kids will say Kommandant had an influence on them and the whole extreme metal scene.
JB: Absolutely.A band like this does not go away on its own.Kommandant is honest and real,and is always a work in progress.An artist who is not willing to risk will most surely die out.Kommandant was constructed upon risk from day 1.

5. Also how was the recording of your new album?
JB: Our new album,THE DRACONIAN ARCHETYPE, is definately our finest work to date,and is personally my finest achievement in all of my career.Many revisions of the music and the artwork as well.The major revision would definately be the re-recording of all the vocals.A difficult undertaking in and of itself,which is also proof that we will go to any length for the perfection of our art.

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