Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Festering Saliva Interview

Festering Saliva is a Death Metal band from Germany. Their new album Zeroline is one of the best Death Metal albus I have heard also it's one the best Metal albums of 2012. Here's my interview with Danny Klupp The guitarist of Festering Saliva.

Hello Danny thanks for this doing this interview. So you joined Festering Saliva in 2009 how did you join the band?

Danny: I joined the band in 2009 and I didn`t planned to join a Deathmetalband at that time. When I
firrst heard them I really thought: „What the hell is this ???? I guess I´m the wrong guy for
that band“ Finally I was wrong and became the main songwriter in the band and think
aboout this: I am the only one who`s not listening to Deathmetal at all !!!! Very funny, but it
works fine somehow :-)

   Where you in any other bands before Festering Saliva?

Danny: I played on the first two HAGGARD records („and thou shalt trust the seer“ and „awaking
the centuries“), did a record with TARAXACUM (Edguy-Side projekt) and finally I ended
up as a Session guitarplayer for the big German FolkRockBand SCHANDMAUL. I did a lot
of Tours as Guitartech for many Bands like Blind Guardian or Helloween and came finally
back to become a musician again :-)

What is your Favorite Festering Saliva song to play live?

Danny: Hm, good question …. it`s ZEROLINE and A PHONIC FACIAL for all of us :-) Phonic is
a really bad ass song where everybody in the venue moves his ass !!! No shit : People really
started dancing while we played it !!!! That really shows that it doesn`t matter which kind of
music you play: It just needs to kick ass and A phonic facial definitely does !!!!!

How was the recording of this new album “Zeroline” and do you have a favorite song from the album? The album was released on Oct 19 where can we get the new album?

Danny: We all agreed to record an album which shouldn`t be tooo perfect at all and which shouldn`t
be edited much – even if there will be mistakes on it. I mean it`s an underground album
without a record company support and so it should sound like it !!!! It was the first time,
that we all entered the studio together and you could feel - during the first days - how
insecure we were behaving to each other. It happend very quick – and we are goddamn
proud of that - to find a very cool way working together during the recordings. MÄÄX did
a great job recording and mixing that thing. Any favourite songs on the album : All of
èm :-))))

What bands influence you the most?
Danny: Not really. Best songwriting situation: Some thing bad happnes to you and you need a ventil
to release your aggressions and inner hate. That`s what happend during the sonwriting
process for Zeroline and I guess you can hear that very good on „3minutes“ :-)

Will Festering Saliva ever tour North or South America?

Danny: We would love to Tour there esp Southamerica, but we need to find a Label and then a
promoter who wants us there and pays the flights . If someone wants to book us: Make sure
we get a clean shower, a bed, food,a stage and pay our travelcosts – that`s all you need :-)
We`re a LIVEBAND and we deliver what you order: A brutal live acting show where the
artist moves `till he`s out of breath and give people a moshing and headbanging Metal
show for their money !!!!! I hate bands that play a gig without any move on stage :
HELLO !!!! People payed money for you to play here – so move your fucking asses and
bang your goddamn heads !!!!!

The Internet is in a way a double edge sword to metal you can get your music to more people yet it’s killing the scene what’s your opinion?


Danny: I don`t think so !!!! Different internetplattforms allow small bands to spread their
music worldwide, get gigs worldwide and show people that they exist. Even if it`s a lot
of work to bring your band up step by step, it`s worth to do it. I spend more than 6 hours
a day on my Laptop, to work on new contacts, gigs, reviews etc. and even it it all runs
slow: It´s worth to do it !!!! I can see now how my internetklicks rise, people ask me for
interviews, promotion companies give me offers , I get tour offers etc. and that`s all
because I do something for it !!!! I hope to find a Label that signs us and send us on the
road, but if not: I can do the promotion, the online mp3 sales completely myself !!!! Just
need to find a booking agency. O.K. I need to get some money from the banking store,
but it`s not more than you need to buy a new car !!!

Where’s your favorite place to tour and where’s a place you would like to play at?

Danny:I do not have any favourite places to go on Tour – I tour everywhere !!! Maybe Indonesia is
a favourite for the band because we have a lot of fans there and I always get mails from
there !!! It would be cool to be there once for a gig and give them something back and I
definiteley have to go to Japan for a gig, because I made a promise to my friend AO
(creative man Tourmanager): „Whenever I´ll be back, then with my own band“ - I am used
to keep my promises !!!!

Ok do you have any last words for the fans?

Danny:Kick concert agencys and promoters asses to bring us in your town !!!! You`ll get a headbanging,
moshing, moving or to say it simple - goddamn real METAL Show how it should be: RIGHT IN
YOUR FACE !!!!!! Support the underground !!!! CHEERZ DANNY



Saturday, October 27, 2012

Küenring interview

Küenring is a Heavy Metal band from Großschönau, Lower Austria. They play a style that mixes Old School Heavy Metal and Old School Thrash really awesome band. Once I heard them I was blown away by the muscianship there great muscians and the songs are fantastic here's my interview with their guitarist Florian Gutenthaler.

 1. Hello thanks for doing this interview how are you doing? And can you give us a history of the band?

 FG:We're currently looking for a new drummer, because we had to part ways with our's a few weeks ago. But apart from that we're fine, we already began recording our second demo ep. About the history of our band: Before KÜENRING did found, we already played a few years together in different line-ups. We played a few occasional gigs under the name MADHOUSE in 2009/10, and in December 2010, again in with a different line-up, we started to play as KÜENRING. From that point on things became more serious and we did more than 10 gigs in the last one and a half years, recorded our first demo ep "Death Awaits" and sent copies to various metal-zines, from which we usually got good reviews.

2. I listened to your demo "Death Awaits" and I really like it. My favorite song is Ghost House. Can you tell us how the recording was for the demo.

 FG: Well, it really wasn't easy. At the beginning of the recording, we didn't have a clue about anything, but our singer/bass player Stefan spent very much time with learning about recording techniques and mixing and I think he did a great job in the end, if you consider the poor means we had on hand to do the ep. We recorded everything in our rehearsal room. It was great fun to record the songs, especially parts like the intro of "Forbidden Passion" or the ending of "Rise of the Madman".

3. I hear Iron Maiden,Judas Priest,Exciter and Destruction influence did any of those bands influence you?
FG: In fact, all of the mentioned bands had a big impact on our sound, especially Iron Maiden and Destruction. Early Metallica and Savatage's "Hall of the Mountain King" have influenced us very much too. In our earlier days, we used to play more blues-based Hard Rock and a few years ago we discovered all those classic speed- and thrash metal bands. The then emerging songs sounded certainly different than our older ones. But, in case of music genres and styles, we aren't narrow-minded or something. The music we love goes from 50s Rock'n Roll and classic blues to early Black- and Death Metal. So I don't know what style of music we'll be playing in 5 years, maybe it'll sound completely different from our current stuff.

5. Can we expect a full release within a few years?

 FG: Of course you can, I would say in about 3 years, when every member of our band finished school and we hopefully have enough money to do it.

6. What do you think of Political metal bands?

FG: I have nothing against those bands as long as they just play their music and don't act radical against other people. Everyone can think what he wants and sing about everything he wants. Apart from that we're not really interested in doing any political stuff in our lyrics.

7. How's the European Metal scene these days do you feel it's strong or is it lacking something.

 FG; I think the European Metal scene is very strong at the moment, there are many young people who rediscover the old bands and there were some really hopeful new bands popping out in the last few years (In Solitude, Enforcer, Skull Fist etc.). There are also many great metal festivals and concerts you can go to. But sadly, the European Metal scene isn't everywhere as strong as in, let's say, Germany. For example, in Lower Austria, the area where we live, there are not many people who listen to the "classic" metal stuff, if you want to call it like that. Even the bands we played with were mostly pop-punks or crappy metalcore-bands.

8. What's a band you would like to tour with?

FG: Oh man, there are quite a lot. For example, I think it would be great to tour with Death Angel. I saw them live two times and they seem to have so much fun on stage while they're blowing everything away. They seem to be very nice guys too. Some people I would really like to meet in person some day would be members of Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple or Black Sabbath. That would be absolutely fantastic.

Ok thank you for your time any last words for the fans?
ARMAMENTS ON!!!!!/Kuenring

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Störmblaast Interview

  Looking from some quality Metal from Norway?? Look no further Stormblaast are new band that are Thrashing your brains with their awesome riffs. This interview is with Erik Odin Lie, He is the Lead Guitarist/Bassist and Vocalist.  Writing this I forgot to ask did they get there name from the Dimmu Borgir album/song Stormblast I think they did but I'm not sure since I forgot to ask well here's the interview.

Band line up.  Erik Odin Lie, Lead Guitarist/Bassist/ Vocalist
                      Simen Støle, Bassist/ Rhythm Guitar/
                      Arne-Magnus Fjelle, Drummer

  1. Can you give us a history on how the band started and such.
  Erik: Well, it all started out seriously last year, in September actually! I had no one to play my music with until I met our drummer at school! He liked the same music as I, Black Metal, Thrash Metal, Death Metal, Heavy Metal etc. and he was interested in playing drums in a Thrash or Black Metal band and that was pretty much it! So we haven't been around for a long time and we're still 14-15 years old, so we have alot ahead of us!

  1. I listened to your music and it sounds to me like Black/Thrash are you inspired by more of the Norwegian black metal scene and American Thrash or by the First Wave of Black Metal ( Bathory, Venom, Hellhammer ect) and the German Thrash Scene?
Erik: Yeah, guess it's a mix between the Norwegian Black Metal and American Thrash! You know, when I write songs, it really shows. My style of rhythm on guitar is very Hetfield-like and very thrashy. Still, when I write the riffs, the melodies becomes a bit obscure and dark, like a Immortal song just with Metallica style of riffing. So that's the main reason, it wasn't like we sat down and decided to play Thrash/Black Metal. I love the First Wave Of Black Metal though. Bathory is a big inspiration! The German Thrash scene is awesome too.

  1. I’m looking forward to hearing and hopefully getting a copy of a new cd your about to release. Can you tell me about the recording of the album and when can we expect to get a copy.

    Erik: Thanks! Ah... The recordings have been...  Improvising pretty much. Started out with just some riffs and drums and vocals. Then I made up harmonies and then I got the idea of using keyboard!
    So, a bit messy, but very cool! I guess we're going to record 5 new songs around Christmas, January etc. but the CD we are soon going to release  lacks some mixing and mastering and small details, but when we are done with that shit, it's coming out! Around November, maybe? :-) But remember, it's a demo and it's very, very, very limited. Only 25 COPIES, but if people like it, maybe we'll make more copies? :-)

  2. Since your in Norway I have to ask this question but have you ever been to Neseblod records or to Helvete?

    Erik: I have never been to Neseblod or Helvete :/

  3. What’s your opinion of the Metal scene today compared to the 80’s or even the 90’s?

    Erik: Well, hard to say.. I think the amount of metalheads have grown, absolutely, but they are less hardcore. The bands that were the mosh-pit starters in the 80's, grew in the 90's and became stadium fillers in the 00's. Like Metallica or Slayer or Anthrax or whatever. And when you have filled up big stadiums or arenas or whatever, you won't get EVERYONE to mosh and thrash around and act like maniacs like in a small venue (unless you're SLAAAYYYEEERRR). But this is very variated I think, I'm not the right person to ask. I know the crowd in Norway is reeeeaaaaaaaally boring compared to for example Chile. 

Ok these are just random questions you can either answer with one sentence or one word your choice.

Mayhem or Burzum


Death Metal or Black Metal

Well, I'm from Norway... So, Black Metal!


Not a fan at all, even though our drummer is a fan.     

Punk rock

Punk Rock is awesome!

Thank you for your time and for doing this interview. Do you have any last words for the fans?

 Erik: Thank you for taking your time interviewing us! Hope you'll like our new songs and what comes in the future :-) Horns up and bang the head that doesn't bang! \m/

This is their official Facebook page.

Metal warfare fb page

Monday, October 1, 2012

First Wave of Black Metal

First Wave of Black Metal!!

Everybody knows about bands like Mayhem and Darkthrone and all the bands that came out of Norway. But I feel the First wave is the best wave of Black Metal. You have bands like Venom that coined the term Black Metal that pretty much influenced the whole movement. The First album Welcome to Hell was more N.W.O.B.H.M/ Speed Metal where black metal was more just straight forward raw speed metal. After that in 1981 Sodom formed and started playing there brand of raw dirty metal and in 1984 released their EP In the Sign of Evil and in 1986 Obsessed by Cruelty after that album they became just a regular straight up Thrash band but still maintained in my opinion the bass sound of Venom in there later years. Then in 1982 you have formations of Destruction from Germany and Hellhammer from Switzerland

Hellhammer only released 3 demos and one EP and then they split up and became Celtic Frost. Celtic Frost was pretty much Hellhammer with better musicianship they left that style after only 2 albums and they started experimenting with different styles. Destruction on the other hand released there debut EP Sentence of Death in 1984 and their first album Infernal Overkill in 1985 they were still Black Thrash during this time but after Infernal Overkill they became just a straight up Thrash band. In Sweden in 1983 a band named Bathory appeared start making very low-fi metal with inhuman vocal style that wasn’t heard during that time. Bathory had 4 albums that were very influential to the Black Metal scene to come but then after the 4 album they started playing a new style of metal called Viking metal. By this time Most of the bands were either Thrash Bands or playing different styles of metal
 In Hungary, Sweden and Norway three bands would play a crucial part in the New wave of Black Metal. These bands where Tormentor which had Attila Csihar on vocals (who would later play for Mayhem) and Morbid from Sweden who had Dead on vocals (who would also play with Mayhem) And Mayhem from Norway which this band took a lot of influence from Bathory, Celtic Frost, Hellhammer, and Sodom and early death metal bands and would create what we know now as Black metal. So in the late 80’s and early 90’s bands like Burzum, Emperor, Darkthrone (actually started out as a death metal band) and Immortal starting creating their version of Black Metal and pretty much created Black Metal as we know it today. In the 90’s the underground scene was ruled by black and death metal bands then finally in the mid 90’s bands like Desaster and Aura Noir started bringing back that First wave of Black metal style or Black/Thrash whatever you want to call it. These bands were reviving this style and now there are a lot of bands in the metal scene playing this type of metal. Nocturnal, Cruel Force, Bunker 66 and many more. Even though The First Wave Of Black Metal didn’t last really long it had a very large impact on the whole extreme metal scene.

Also by the way I know there are a lot of other bands in the first wave of black metal I’m just putting the ones I feel were the most important.