Saturday, October 27, 2012

Küenring interview

Küenring is a Heavy Metal band from Großschönau, Lower Austria. They play a style that mixes Old School Heavy Metal and Old School Thrash really awesome band. Once I heard them I was blown away by the muscianship there great muscians and the songs are fantastic here's my interview with their guitarist Florian Gutenthaler.

 1. Hello thanks for doing this interview how are you doing? And can you give us a history of the band?

 FG:We're currently looking for a new drummer, because we had to part ways with our's a few weeks ago. But apart from that we're fine, we already began recording our second demo ep. About the history of our band: Before KÜENRING did found, we already played a few years together in different line-ups. We played a few occasional gigs under the name MADHOUSE in 2009/10, and in December 2010, again in with a different line-up, we started to play as KÜENRING. From that point on things became more serious and we did more than 10 gigs in the last one and a half years, recorded our first demo ep "Death Awaits" and sent copies to various metal-zines, from which we usually got good reviews.

2. I listened to your demo "Death Awaits" and I really like it. My favorite song is Ghost House. Can you tell us how the recording was for the demo.

 FG: Well, it really wasn't easy. At the beginning of the recording, we didn't have a clue about anything, but our singer/bass player Stefan spent very much time with learning about recording techniques and mixing and I think he did a great job in the end, if you consider the poor means we had on hand to do the ep. We recorded everything in our rehearsal room. It was great fun to record the songs, especially parts like the intro of "Forbidden Passion" or the ending of "Rise of the Madman".

3. I hear Iron Maiden,Judas Priest,Exciter and Destruction influence did any of those bands influence you?
FG: In fact, all of the mentioned bands had a big impact on our sound, especially Iron Maiden and Destruction. Early Metallica and Savatage's "Hall of the Mountain King" have influenced us very much too. In our earlier days, we used to play more blues-based Hard Rock and a few years ago we discovered all those classic speed- and thrash metal bands. The then emerging songs sounded certainly different than our older ones. But, in case of music genres and styles, we aren't narrow-minded or something. The music we love goes from 50s Rock'n Roll and classic blues to early Black- and Death Metal. So I don't know what style of music we'll be playing in 5 years, maybe it'll sound completely different from our current stuff.

5. Can we expect a full release within a few years?

 FG: Of course you can, I would say in about 3 years, when every member of our band finished school and we hopefully have enough money to do it.

6. What do you think of Political metal bands?

FG: I have nothing against those bands as long as they just play their music and don't act radical against other people. Everyone can think what he wants and sing about everything he wants. Apart from that we're not really interested in doing any political stuff in our lyrics.

7. How's the European Metal scene these days do you feel it's strong or is it lacking something.

 FG; I think the European Metal scene is very strong at the moment, there are many young people who rediscover the old bands and there were some really hopeful new bands popping out in the last few years (In Solitude, Enforcer, Skull Fist etc.). There are also many great metal festivals and concerts you can go to. But sadly, the European Metal scene isn't everywhere as strong as in, let's say, Germany. For example, in Lower Austria, the area where we live, there are not many people who listen to the "classic" metal stuff, if you want to call it like that. Even the bands we played with were mostly pop-punks or crappy metalcore-bands.

8. What's a band you would like to tour with?

FG: Oh man, there are quite a lot. For example, I think it would be great to tour with Death Angel. I saw them live two times and they seem to have so much fun on stage while they're blowing everything away. They seem to be very nice guys too. Some people I would really like to meet in person some day would be members of Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple or Black Sabbath. That would be absolutely fantastic.

Ok thank you for your time any last words for the fans?
ARMAMENTS ON!!!!!/Kuenring

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